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Employee Congratulation On Birth


TO: [First Name of employee] [Last Name of employee]
[Title of employee]

FROM: [First Name of employer] [Last Name of employer]
[Title of employer]

DATE: [Date of notice]

RE: Baby [Boy/Girl]!

Congratulations! We are delighted to hear of your new family member, a most happy baby [boy/Girl]. It's always a pleasure to be able to share such a wonderful moment in our colleagues life and to share the happiness we feel for your family.

Enclosed is a small token of our appreciation for your great work and our celebration for your baby. We hope that you will find something for your baby with the gift certificate. [He/She] is so special, he deserves only the best.

I am sure that you would rather be home with your son/daughter and husband/wife than be at work but we couldn't do without you. [He/She] will be another delight to look forward to after work. Congratulations! We know you'll be a wonderful father.